
mercoledì 14 novembre 2012

PlamoUK colors

For a long time I used Tamiya and mr. hobby colors for paint my model kit. Two years ago I started to use Plamo UK colors and I used them for my Sazabi, Jaguar and Greifer. They are cheap, bottles are very big (60ml)and colors looks perfect for mecha's stuff. The only problem is the ship. I bought from Kyle two times and in both cases, shippment was too much slow.... So I was a little bit undecided to buy from him even. But my Plamo were over, so I contacted him and I asked about the shippning method and he reply to me that He moved to FedEx and all the delays was been resolved. So I made my new order, and after only 4 days my Plamos are now on my desk!!!!

I take some acrylics colors too and I'm very curious to try them on my next project!
for the same price you have the double color than Mr.Hobby and Tamiya...

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